
To generate the products and services it offers to enduser communities, MangMap mobilises satellite and IT resources.

Satellite imagery

The current version of MangMap uses high-resolution optical data from the Sentinel-2 constellation operated by the European Space Agency (ESA) as part of the Copernicus Earth Observation Programme supported by the European Union. The raw Sentinel-2 images (L1C levels) used are currently imported from the Creodias platform operated by a consortium of private European players.

Extrait de la plateforme d'une image Sentinel 2, 12 bandes, 2018/05/16 (Donnée Copernicus Sentinel 2023)

For each of the sites offered by the platform, MangMap uses the repeatability and spatial resolution of the 2 Sentinel 2 satellites to provide 10 m resolution products that have been updated on average every 5 days since 2016. The platform exploits the 13 spectral bands of the data, including the near-infrared, to calculate standardised indices relating to vegetation, soil and water. The mid-infrared band of the least cloudy image acquired during the current quarter is used to calculate a quarterly mask of the spatial distribution of mangroves present on the site. Mangmap can use digital surface models derived from remote sensing, distributed by ESA or NASA (SRTM type).

Future versions of the MangMap platform will incorporate Mangrove products derived from Very High Spatial Resolution (VHSR) imagery processing, which complement Sentinel 2 high-resolution data thanks to the level of detail they offer. The UMR Espace-dev team is carrying out experiments in this area for certain MangMap pilot sites, in partnership with the DINAMIS facility and as part of CNES-TOSCA R&D projects. The feasibility of using time series of radar imagery from the Sentinel1 constellation to offer new Mangrove products is also being analysed within MangMap.

IT infrastructure

The MangMap platform in production is installed in the hardware infrastructure of UMR Espace-dev (IRD component), hosted at the Centre Informatique National de l'Enseignement Supérieur (CINES) in Montpellier.

This infrastructure is a component of the Montpellier Data and Services Centre (CDS), which the Espace-dev and Tetis Research Units based at the Maison de la Télédétection in Montpellier have deployed within the collaborative frameworks set up and run by the Theia cluster and the Data Terra national infrastructure.